
THIS EVENT HAS PASSED - RECORDING AVAILABLE WITH LINK BELOW - Livestream In the Field Gathering June 22, 2021

Today we have an opportunity to vibrate with the frequency of freedom which creates a knowing of ourselves as free from the inside-out.  To be truly free, we need to understand how to vibrate in that frequency and know how to get back there when we lose it.    That is what we will focus on this month, how to match the frequency of freedom and to recalibrate ourselves back to that frequency when we get out of alignment with it.   This will include balancing our masculine/feminine energies creating a cohesive field of energy. 

We can't find freedom outside of ourselves, we can only match the frequency of it all the way down to our DNA, creating a vibratory field that becomes our energetic blueprint.  This is what it means to actualize this new era - to finally break free of all that oppressed us in the many lifetimes we experienced over the past several thousand years - and to become what we have already been but were unable to realize all this time - free, balanced, and living in harmony with the Earth.